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Is it possible to separate easyb's Groovy from plain English scenario definitions?

Here's an example easyb scenario from the easyb website:

before "start selenium", {
 given "selenium is up and running", {
  selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",
    4444, "*firefox", "")

scenario "a valid person has been entered", {

 when "filling out the person form with a first and last name", {"")
  selenium.type("fname", "Britney")
  selenium.type("lname", "Smith")

 and "the submit link has been clicked", {"submit")

 then "the report should have a list of races for that person", {
  values = ["Mclean 1/2 Marathon", "Reston 5K", "Herndon 10K", "Leesburg 10K"]
  for(i in 0..<values.size()){
    selenium.getText("//table//tr[${(i+3)}]/td").shouldBeEqualTo values[i]

after "stop selenium" , {
 then "selenium should be shutdown", {

Is it possible to separate the Groovy from the English, to present something more like this:

scenario "a valid person has been entered"
  given "the website is running"
  when "filling out the person form with a first and last name"
  and "the submit link has been clicked"
  then "the report should have a list of races for that person"

That way my PHB won't get all confused by the braces and Groovy.


  • Probably not with justifiable effort. Nevertheless, you can easily define the code closures externally. The "human readable" parts would then look like this:

    scenario "a valid person has been entered", {
        when "filling out the person form with a first and last name", 
        and "the submit link has been clicked", 
        then "the report should have a list of races for that person", 

    Make sure that the closure names are descriptive and self-documenting. Actually, I find them easier to read than the fully-written descriptions ...

    The closure definitions were defined like that:

    def fillOutPersonForm = {"")
        selenium.type("fname", "Britney")
        selenium.type("lname", "Smith")