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How to access PyNode from a PyNode list?

I ran this example code with 2 polyCubes in scene.

import pymel.core as pymel'pCube1', 'blinn1')
print = True)
print = True)[0]

and this is my output

[nt.Transform(u'pCube1'), nt.Blinn(u'blinn1')]

I know the elements inside this list are PyNodes, but printing them gives out a string type name of the node. Is there anyway to access the PyNode directly from this list?


  • Found the answer myself.

    So apparently the Script Editor returns a representation of PyNode when we print it. Like it's an overloaded str. It is still a PyNode but looks like a string only in Maya's Script Editor. To make it actually appear like a PyNode, we have to use repr() or enclose in back-ticks (`)

    Here is the link where I found the answer. :

    Formatting: Read Me First to Avoid Confusion section