I am having trouble passing parameters from one component to the next using a router and activated route in Angular2
My EdmundsAPI Service:
getModels(makeNiceName: string): Observable<Models> {
return this.http.get(this.baseURL +
+ makeNiceName + '/models?year=2017&view=basic' + this.apiKey)
.map(res => res.json())
My 'from' component (Makes):
goToModels(makeNiceName: string): void {
this.router.navigate ( [ '/models', { data: makeNiceName } ] );
My 'to' component (Models):
(Variable 'makeNiceName' after 'export class' declaration):
makeNiceName: string = this.route.snapshot.params[ 'data' ];
getModels(): void {
//Do Stuff here
error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);
My API URL from Models.getModels() (from Chrome Browser Inspect --> Network):
BaseURL + /NaN/ models?year=2017&view=basic + apiKey
Why is NaN being in place of my 'makeNiceName' variable, which is a string which I would like to pass to my Services to make a URL
Your function getModels
has two plusses in a row, which seems to insert NaN
into a string.
Similarly, when I evaluate 'string' + + 'hello'
the result is "stringNaN"
. But when I try 'string' + + 123
the result is "string123"
Try this:
getModels(makeNiceName: string): Observable<Models> {
return this.http.get(this.baseURL +
makeNiceName + '/models?year=2017&view=basic' + this.apiKey)
.map(res => res.json())