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How to get the compressed data size from a TIdTCPServer?

I'm developing a TCP Client-Server application.

I'm trying to get the compressed size of the packets I send to the client so I can compare that size with the uncompressed data size and get statistics about the compression ratio obtained.

On the Client side. I can get that information comparing the size of the sent/received data with the size I get from the OnSend/OnReceive events of TIdCompressionIntercept. Just getting the length of the ABuffer parameter of those event handlers.

But, on the Server side, the TIdServerCompressionIntercept does't have those events to hook.

So the question. How can I get the compressed size of the packets sent/received by the server, so I can compare those sizes with the raw data size of those packets?


Client side code sample:

    FRawSentSize            ,
    FComrpessedSentSize     ,
    FRawReceivedSize        ,
    FCompressedReceivedSize : UInt64;

function TFrom1.SendAndReceive( const ToSend: String ): String;
    TCPClient.IOHandler.WriteLn( ToSend );
    Inc( FRawSentSize, Length( ToSend ) );
    Result := TCPClient.IOHandler.ReadLn;
    Inc( FRawReceivedSize, Length( Result ) );

function TForm1.CompressorSend( ASender: TIdConnectionIntercept; var ABuffer: TIdBytes );
    Inc( FComrpessedSentSize, Length( ABuffer ) );

function TForm1.CompressorReceive( ASender: TIdConnectionIntercept; var ABuffer: TIdBytes );
    Inc( FCompressedReceivedSize, Length( ABuffer ) );


  • TIdServerCompressionIntercept is not the intercept that does the actual work, so that is why it has no events.

    When a new client connects to the server, TIdServerCompressionIntercept will create a TIdCompressionIntercept object that gets assigned to the AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Intercept property. That object does the actual work, just like in the client-side code. Your server's OnConnect or OnExecute event handler can programmably assign handlers to that object's events as needed.