I must be missing something pretty basic.
I'm working on a legacy project, and I'm trying to bring FluentMigrator into the mix cause I've got some interesting database changes and data migrations coming up that I think will be made much easier by using this tool.
For the initial migration, I just want to bring the database up to the current production version, as-is. To simplify the initial migration, I scripted out my SQL Server 2008 database, and the migration executes the scripted commands as a series of SQL commands.
To test it out, I create an entirely empty database, and try to run it from command line using this:
> migrate -a "C:\My\Project\Path\bin\debug\Rds.MyProjName.DBMigrations.dll"
-db SqlServer2008 -conn "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS2008;Initial Catalog=myNewDbName;
Integrated Security=SSPI" -version=20100901000000
The version specified is the timestamp on the first migration class's Migration attribute.
At the command line, everything appears to run fine - the the entire script zooms by, and it ends with:
-- CreateProductionDbCircaSep2010: migrated
However, when I take a look at the database, it is still empty. Absolutely nothing is in there. My Up method looks like this:
public override void Up()
var cmds = LoadEmbeddedResources
foreach (var c in cmds) {
(FYI, I'm parsing the script instead of running it as-is because I started by using Migrator.Net before discovering it was dead, and this was already set up.)
Can anyone give me a hand? It almost appears like a transaction isn't committing, or some command-line option to have the migration do a dry- run is turned on, but I don't see it...
EDIT:Additional things I've tried
To confirm that the connection string was using the database I expect it to, I renamed the database and afterwards got a login error, as expected.
For further tests, I cut down the length of the script, and tried executing it using
public override void Up()
instead of command-by-command, but I get the same results. Here is the output on that test (note, I edited the pathes and such):
C:\My\Project\Path\FluentMigrator.Net\ >migrate -a "C:\My\Project\Path\bin\debug
\My.Project.DBMigrations.dll" -db SqlServer2008 -conn "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS2
008;Initial Catalog=myNewDbName;Integrated Security=SSPI" -version=2010090100000
Using Database SqlServer2008 and Connection String Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS2008;
Initial Catalog=myNewDbName;Integrated Security=SSPI
-- VersionMigration: migrating ===============================================
-- CreateTable VersionInfo
-- VersionMigration: migrated
-- CreateProductionDbCircaSep2010: migrating =================================
-- ExecuteSqlScript C:\My\Project\Path\FluentMigrator.Net\..\Resources\test.sql
-- CreateProductionDbCircaSep2010: migrated
Yet no tables in the database - there isn't even the expected VersionInfo table.
After some investigation and testing with both version 0.8 and 1.0, it appears this is a bug in FluentMigrator.Net related to the migration runner's transaction management - if you run a migration with a specific version number, the transaction's commit never gets called; if you don't specify a version number, it's fine.
I have since submitted a patch to the project which was accepted. This is no longer a problem.