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Jeditable sends no variables

I'm trying to send a variable, intent, alongside the default variables of jeditable. According to the documentation, the default should send the variables id and value (I've confirmed that every element I'm using jeditable with has a valid id). I'm using the following code:


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.jedit').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        $this.editable('service.php', {
            loadtype    :   'GET',
            onblur      :   'submit',
            submitdata  :   { 'intent' : 1 }


$elID = $_GET['id'];
$newText = $_GET['value'];
$intent = $_GET['intent'];

if ($intent == 1) {
    // Do something. Never called.

echo $newText;

Example of element that jeditable is used on:

<li id='listend' class='jedit'>Text here</li>

None of my variables (id, value or intent) reach service.php. They're all blank. I've sent variables to service.php using the following test and it receives it correctly:

    type: "GET",
    url: "service.php",
    data: "intent=1",
    success: function(result){

Not sure what I'm doing wrong?


Looks like variables are being sent by POST and not GET. loadtype : 'GET' appears to only apply when used in conjunction with the loadurl option. I'm seeing if there's a method to use GET with the original url.


  • As per my update, it looks like there's no straightforward means to send data to a url from jeditable by GET, only POST if not using a loardurl option.

    The answer is to switch to using POST or integrate a method that uses a loadurl option. Without this option, loadtype : 'GET' does not switch the data submission type to GET.