I'm trying to get one of Rolify's Finder Methods going (no. 3), but it is always returning an empty array.
User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :forums, dependent: :destroy
Forum model:
class Forum < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
def participants
# Find all users with any role in the forum
User.with_any_role :admin, { name: :moderator, resource: self }
Adding roles:
user.add_role :admin, Forum.find(3)
Testing roles:
2.4.0 :043 > user.has_role? :admin, Forum.find(3)
Role Load (21.9ms) SELECT ...
=> true
I have tried running Forum.find(3).participants
and User.with_any_role :admin, { name: :moderator, resource: Forum.find(3) }
from the console, and both return empty arrays, e.g:
2.4.0 :027 > Forum.find(3).participants
Forum Load (21.9ms) SELECT ...
User Load (28.7ms) SELECT ...
=> []
Is there something I am missing here?
By tracing code here you can pass argument as string or hash.
User.with_any_role({name: :admin, resource: Forum.find(3)},{name: :moderator, resource: Forum.find(3)})
Will search all the users has either admin or moderator role for Forum instance which id is 3