I have a question about Block, do the two codes mean the same?
code 1
File::open('yozloy.txt','w') do |f|
f << 'Some contains'
code 2
newFile = File::open('yozloy.txt','w')
newFile << 'Some contains'
DarkDust already said that these methods are different. I'll explain you the blocks a little more, as I suppose that I can guess why you asked this question ;-)
The block in ruby is just a parameter for some method. It's not just a different syntax.
Methods which accept (optional) blocks usually have a condition to test whether they have been called with block, or without.
Consider this very simplified example: (the real File.open is similar, but it ensures the file is closed even if your block raises an error, for example)
def open(fname)
if block_given?
yield(self) # This will 'run' the block with given parameter
return self # This will just return some value
In general, every method may work (works) differently with a block or without a block. It should be always stated in the method documentation.