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Sharing from snapchat to my app

I am unable to figure out how to share a video from SnapChat to my app while WhatsApp can do it without problems so it is possible.

Since SnapChat works with a contentprovider I figured I should just query the uri using the android contentresolver method. Using the databaseUtils I dumped the cursor to logcat but all it gives me back is the displayname and the filesize. I see no way how to get the actual file.

Help me out guys. What am I missing?


  • A bit late but i managed to solve it. Here is the solution. I added comments in the code to explain what i am doing.

    void handleSendVideo(Intent intent)
        // get title
        String title = intent.getExtras().getString(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT);
        // get the uri for the video
        mVideoUri = (Uri) intent.getExtras().get(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
        // check if it originates from snapchat
        if (mVideoUri.getAuthority().equals(UriHelper.SNAPCHAT_FILE_PROVIDER))
            Intent mRequestFileIntent;
            ParcelFileDescriptor mInputPFD;
            mRequestFileIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
            // Query the content resolver to get the name of the file. Beware that you will not find
            // the actual file here. You must read it from the fileDescriptor.
            Cursor fileDataCursor = getContentResolver().query(mVideoUri, null, null, null, null);
            String fileName = "";
            if (fileDataCursor != null)
                fileName = fileDataCursor.getString(0);
            // something is wrong... return
            if (fileName.isEmpty())
            try {
                // open the file descriptor that belongs to the file given to us by snapchat.
                mInputPFD = getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(mVideoUri, "r");
                // fetch the descriptor
                FileDescriptor fd = mInputPFD.getFileDescriptor();
                // create in input stream from descriptor
                InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fd);
                // This is the file that will be created
                File targetFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), fileName);
                // Open a outputstream connected to the file
                FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
                // Create a buffer with a size equal to what is available from the inputstream.
                // Note: we dont have to loop here because the file is available on the storage.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[inputStream.available()];
                // Read all data into the buffer
                // Write the buffer to the outputstream
                // close all streams, our file is ready.
                // check if the new file exists.
                if (targetFile.exists())
                    // add the file to the android MediaProvider
                    mVideoUri = addVideo(targetFile);
                    DialogMaker.showAlertMessage(this, "Could not read video", "unable to read video from SnapChat.", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        try {
            logger.i("videoUri: " + mVideoUri.toString());
            logger.i("videoPath: " + mVideoUri.getPath());
        } catch (Exception e) {
    public Uri addVideo(File videoFile) {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3);
        values.put(MediaStore.Video.Media.TITLE, "My video title");
        values.put(MediaStore.Video.Media.MIME_TYPE, "video/mp4");
        values.put(MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA, videoFile.getAbsolutePath());
        return getContentResolver().insert(MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);