Is their any possible way to get different colors on each X-Axis value of a radar chart?
Already tried custom labels, but it didn't work.
Any help will be much appreciated.
There are neither Properties nor CustomAttributes
to achieve this for AxisLabels
But CustomLabels
will do the job nicely.
Here is an example that adds a CustumLabel
for each DataPoint
in a Series
and gives it a random color:
Set up the data:
Random rnd = new Random(0);
List<Color> colors = new List<Color>() { Color.Red, Color.Firebrick, Color.Gold,
Color.DeepPink, Color.Azure, Color.IndianRed, Color.ForestGreen };
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
Series s = chart.Series[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
s.Points.AddXY(i, i+ rnd.Next(20 - i));
Now add CustomLabels
foreach (var dp in s.Points)
CustomLabel cl = new CustomLabel();
cl.FromPosition = dp.XValue;
cl.ToPosition = dp.XValue ;
cl.Text = dp.YValues[0]+ "$";
cl.ForeColor = colors[rnd.Next(colors.Count)];
Note that for ChartType Radar
this is rather simple; for most other types getting the FromPosition
and ToPosition
is rather tricky: There you need to calculate (usually) the center between two points..