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RestKit 0.27 - set a request timeout

I'm looking for a way to set a request timeout on a basic RKObjectManager getObjectsAtPath: parameters: success: failure: request, in RestKit v.0.27.0

Right now, if a user reaches a view, triggers this request, and his internet shutdowns, nothing will happen, it will just keep on loading for an extremely long time. How can I manually change the timeout time to a certain time (for instance 15 seconds)?


  • To detect when the internet connection of the client is gone, Apple published the Reachability class a long time ago. If you're not using it, feel free to use this tutorial for a quick start.

    As written in the tutorial, you're able to respond when the reachability is gone and therefore can cancel all pending requests.

    - (void)reachabilityDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification {
        Reachability *reachability = (Reachability *)[notification object];
        if ([reachability isReachable]) {
            NSLog(@"Host is reachable");
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Host is unreachable");
            // Cancel all pending RestKit requests
            [[RKObjectManager sharedManager].operationQueue cancelAllOperations];