I order a cloud object storage on softlayer through following method:
order={'prices': [{'id': 177725}], 'packageId': 206, 'quantity': 1}
result = client['SoftLayer_Product_Order'].placeOrder(order)
And I can see that the order is passed and cloud object storage is created. Then I want to get credentials info so I need to get account name first. But from the information output:
I have no idea to use which parameter to determine the cloud object storage created just now.
Q1: How can I get the account name or ID info for the cloud object storage created just now?
Q2: Is there any way to config account name when order cloud object storage?
Q1: You can get through orderId generated in the response from placeOrder method, here a part of code:
objectFilter = {"networkStorage": {"billingItem": {"orderItem": {"order": {"id":{"operation": 123123}}}}}}
result = client['SoftLayer_Account'].getNetworkStorage(filter=objectFilter)
Replace: 123123 with the orderId generated in placeOrder method response
Q2: Unfortunately, its not possible to config the account name