I have an NSToolbar with some items in it. In most NSToolbars on macOS, when you right-click, you get the choice of icon, text, or icon+text. These 3 choices also appear as a popup menu, in the bottom-left corner of the Customize sheet.
In my app, I don't get this. Instead, in the context menu, I get the option "Use Small Size". In the customization panel, instead of the popup menu, I have a (terribly placed!) checkbox, "Use small size".
What causes an NSToolbar to get "Use small size", rather than the icon/text/icon+text choices?
Are you by any chance doing [self.window setTitleVisibility:NSWindowTitleHidden];
to move the toolbar up into the title bar area?
If that's the case, toolbars are limited to icons only in this case.