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Migrating Firebase 2.x to 3.4.1 AngularJS For Google OAuth

I am new to Angular & Firebase. I am currently developing an Ionic app. Somehow I came to know that, to use Firebase, I need to set up authentication system (I prefer Google).

It was not easy to integrate the code into AngularJS which were mentioned in official Firebase website. So I just picked up someone's working code and replaced his Firebase database URL to mine, I could get it done. But it was a mistake.

This is the unchanged code and his output (which is working as expected).


<script src="lib/angularfire/dist/angularfire.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/firebase/firebase.js"></script>

<!-- cordova script (this will be a 404 during development) -->
<script src="cordova.js"></script>

<!-- your app's js -->
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
<script src="js/services.js"></script>


angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'starter.controllers', '', 'firebase'])

.constant('FirebaseUrl', '')

.service('rootRef', ['FirebaseUrl', Firebase])

So first, I removed his Firebase URL to add mine and got this error:

We have detected that you are using the v2.x or lower authentication SDKs with a project that was created at You must use the 3.0.0 or greater authentication SDKs with projects that have been created in the new console.

Then I updated firebase.js file to 3.4.1 version. Then I got a Reference error in browser's Dev console: ReferenceError: Firebase is not defined

.service('rootRef', ['FirebaseUrl', Firebase])

So what I finally need is a working Google OAuth with Firebase 3.x and AngularJS.


  • Although you didn't provide enough examples of your code (dependency injection is not enough), I think that the main problem you are having is that you are using old examples of the code with the new Firebase version.

    Things like this:

    var app = angular.module('app', ['firebase']);
    app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $firebaseAuth) {
        var ref = new Firebase('https://...');
        $scope.authObj = $firebaseAuth(ref);

    are changed into this:

    var app = angular.module('app', ['firebase']);
    app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $firebaseAuth) {
        var config = {
            apiKey: "***",
            authDomain: "***",
            databaseURL: "https://***",
            storageBucket: "***",
            messagingSenderId: "***"
        $scope.authObj = $firebaseAuth(firebase.auth());

    Then on that authObj you can add a provider for the client you want to use to authenticate (Google/GitHub/Facebook...):

    var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
    $scope.authObj.$signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {

    Keep in mind that you must enable Authentication with Google (or any other provider) in your Firebase console. For detailed instructions please check this link.