Currently, In Azure ARM I have deployed
Right now, I am able to start/stop the VM by just sending a mail along with a Keyword Start VM Name
successfully.Logic app is extracting the keyword from mail's subject,then if the subject will match the condition then it will trigger a HTTP Webhook defined in logic app which will further trigger the PowerShell Runbook and then the VM will start/stop.
Currently I can start/stop a single VM only as I am not able to pass the value to Runbook so, I am using static value inside the Runbook, but I want to implement it for Multiple VMs by passing the Keyword from Logic App to PowerShell Runbook so that I can use the keyword inside PowerShell to perform the action accordingly.
Please find the screen shot of Logic App:
There is an azure automation connector that will let you pass in parameters and leverage hybrid workers for runbooks. Will be global by end of week - you can access today in some regions like Brazil South