Stuck upon a rather trivial task that seems to lead to a wider problem.
Need to be able to generate light variations of a same short text. Some word forms depend on the speaker's gender, some can be replaced with synonyms.
Pseudo code:
I {random:decided|made up my mind} to {random:try|test|give a try to}
this {new|fresh} {cool|awesome} {service|web service|online tool}.
I'm looking for an "industry standard" templating language to describe such texts and possible variations. Thinking further, I might want global variables (like the gender one), cross-links for dependencies picked earlier in the sentence.
This looks close to regular expressions syntax. Ideally it would be more readable/writable by non-programmers.
Perhaps the problem is well-known, with a solid state solution like some programming language specifically for the task?
I was unable to find something like this so I set out to create it. The result is called Nalgene - the natural language generation language. The syntax is fairly simple but also powerful enough to support recursive phrases, synonyms, captured values, and dependencies.
$ went to the $place to %action
~buy a new $item
~sell @posessive($person.gender) $item
It outputs generated sentences alongside a tree representation (the primary purpose is to generate training data for ML systems).
> jill went to the store to return her toothbrush
( %
( $
jill )
( $place
store )
( %action
( $item
toothbrush ) ) )
If you are still looking a year later, stop by and open an issue, and let me know what you seek in a dream NLG language.