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Syntax Error with `<` in Coq Notations

The following code:

Reserved Notation "g || t |- x < y" (at level 10).

Inductive SubtypeOf :
  GammaEnv -> ThetaEnv -> UnsafeType -> UnsafeType -> Set :=
| SubRefl :
    forall (gamma : GammaEnv) (theta : ThetaEnv) (u : UnsafeType) , gamma || theta |- u < u
where "g || t |- x < y" := (SubtypeOf g t x y).

gives the following error:

Syntax error: '<' expected after [constr:operconstr level 200] (in [constr:operconstr])

I get a similar error if I use <: in place of <.

But this code works fine:

Reserved Notation "g || t |- x << y" (at level 10).

Inductive SubtypeOf :
  GammaEnv -> ThetaEnv -> UnsafeType -> UnsafeType -> Set :=
| SubRefl :
    forall (gamma : GammaEnv) (theta : ThetaEnv) (u : UnsafeType) , gamma || theta |- u << u
where "g || t |- x << y" := (SubtypeOf g t x y).

Why? Is there a precedence setting that can be changed to allow < or <: in notation? Is there built-in syntax that I'm colliding with, and need to watch for when defining notations?


  • Coq uses an LL1 parser to process notations. It also can output the grammar. So, let's check what we are getting with the following

    Reserved Notation "g || t |- x < y" (at level 10).

    Print Grammar constr. outputs:

    | "10" LEFTA
      [ SELF;
        constr:operconstr LEVEL "200";        (* subexpression t *)
        constr:operconstr LEVEL "200";        (* subexpression x *)


    • 10 is our precedence level;
    • LEFTA means left associativity;
    • 200 is the default precedence level for inner subexpressions.

    Taking into account the fact that a lower level binds more tightly than a higher level and the fact that the level of < is 70 (see Coq.Init.Notations), we can deduce that Coq is trying to parse the x < y part as a subexpression for x, consuming the < token, hence the error message.

    To remedy the situation we can explicitly disallow parsing the third parameter as the less-than expression by assigning x higher precedence, i.e. a lower level.

    Reserved Notation "g || t |- x < y" (at level 10, x at level 69).
    Print Grammar constr.
    | "10" LEFTA
      [ SELF;
        constr:operconstr LEVEL "200";        (* subexpression t *)
        constr:operconstr LEVEL "69";         (* subexpression x *)