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Crystal Reports directly download into pdf C#

I want to directly download crystal reports into pdf together viewing in CommonReportViewer.aspx page, I am running my project on local server with source MYPROJECT and (.rpt) reports on D:\MYPROJECT\Reporting\Deposit\Reports. I have tried different solutions at Stackoverflow i.e ExportToDisk,ExportOptions and more but can't get the solution. In my case to view bank reports i supplied report parameters through a form and finally reaching report parameters and report is displayed. My Problem is how can i download that report directly in pdf as it is required for me to print multiple pages of report.


  public partial class CommonReportViewer : System.Web.UI.Page
        ReportDocument mainDoc = new ReportDocument();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

                CrystalReport report = new CrystalReport();
                report = (CrystalReport)Session["NLK_REPORT"];
                DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
                mainDoc.Load(report.ReportFilePath, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault);
                mainDoc.RecordSelectionFormula = report.SelectionCriteria;

                string server = "NLKNEWDB";
                string userID = report.UserID;
                string password = report.Password;

                this.ApplyLogonInfo(mainDoc, server, userID, password);

                foreach (ReportParameter param in report.ParamList)
                    mainDoc.SetParameterValue(param.ParamName, param.ParamValue);

                foreach (SubReport sr in report.SubReportList)
                    this.ApplyLogonInfo(mainDoc, server, userID, password);
                    foreach (ReportParameter param in sr.ParamList)

                        mainDoc.SetParameterValue(param.ParamName, param.ParamValue, sr.SubReportName);

                mainDoc.SetDatabaseLogon(userID, password, server, "");

                this.crptViewer.ReportSource = mainDoc;




        void ApplyLogonInfo(ReportDocument report, string server, string userID, string password)
            TableLogOnInfo info = new TableLogOnInfo();
            ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo();

            cinfo.ServerName = server;
            cinfo.UserID = userID;
            cinfo.Password = password;
            info.ConnectionInfo = cinfo;

            foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table tbl in report.Database.Tables)

        private void Page_Unload(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (mainDoc != null)



  • Some changes should be done to export it to PDF format. When the page loads, changes in the Page_Load Method as.

     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    CrystalReport report = new CrystalReport();
                    report = (CrystalReport)Session["NLK_REPORT"];
                    DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
                    mainDoc.Load(report.ReportFilePath, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault);
                    mainDoc.RecordSelectionFormula = report.SelectionCriteria;
                    string server = "NLKNEWDB";
                    string userID = report.UserID;
                    string password = report.Password;
                    string empId = null;
                    this.ApplyLogonInfo(mainDoc, server, userID, password);
                    foreach (ReportParameter param in report.ParamList)
                        mainDoc.SetParameterValue(param.ParamName, param.ParamValue);
                        if (param.ParamName == "P_EMPLOYER_ID")
                            empId = param.ParamValue.ToString();
                    foreach (SubReport sr in report.SubReportList)
                        this.ApplyLogonInfo(mainDoc, server, userID, password);
                        foreach (ReportParameter param in sr.ParamList)
                            mainDoc.SetParameterValue(param.ParamName, param.ParamValue, sr.SubReportName);
                    mainDoc.SetDatabaseLogon(userID, password, server, "");
                    mainDoc.ExportToHttpResponse(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, true, empId);
                    this.crptViewer.ReportSource = mainDoc;