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How to read (std::io::Read) from a Vec or Slice?

Vecs support std::io::Write, so code can be written that takes a File or Vec, for example. From the API reference, it looks like neither Vec nor slices support std::io::Read.

Is there a convenient way to achieve this? Does it require writing a wrapper struct?

Here is an example of working code, that reads and writes a file, with a single line commented that should read a vector.

use ::std::io;

// Generic IO
fn write_4_bytes<W>(mut file: W) -> Result<usize, io::Error>
    where W: io::Write,
    let len = file.write(b"1234")?;

fn read_4_bytes<R>(mut file: R) -> Result<[u8; 4], io::Error>
    where R: io::Read,
    let mut buf: [u8; 4] = [0; 4]; buf)?;

// Type specific

fn write_read_vec() {
    let mut vec_as_file: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();

    {   // Write
        println!("Writing Vec... {}", write_4_bytes(&mut vec_as_file).unwrap());

    {   // Read
//      println!("Reading File... {:?}", read_4_bytes(&vec_as_file).unwrap());
        //                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //                               Comment this line above to avoid an error!

fn write_read_file() {
    let filepath = "temp.txt";
    {   // Write
        let mut file_as_file = ::std::fs::File::create(filepath).expect("open failed");
        println!("Writing File... {}", write_4_bytes(&mut file_as_file).unwrap());

    {   // Read
        let mut file_as_file = ::std::fs::File::open(filepath).expect("open failed");
        println!("Reading File... {:?}", read_4_bytes(&mut file_as_file).unwrap());

fn main() {

This fails with the error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::vec::Vec<u8>: std::io::Read` is not satisfied
  --> src/
29 |         println!("Reading File... {:?}", read_4_bytes(&vec_as_file).unwrap());
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::io::Read` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<u8>`
   = note: required by `read_4_bytes`

I'd like to write tests for a file format encoder/decoder, without having to write to the file-system.


  • While vectors don't support std::io::Read, slices do.

    There is some confusion here caused by Rust being able to coerce a Vec into a slice in some situations but not others.

    In this case, an explicit coercion to a slice is needed because at the stage coercions are applied, the compiler doesn't know that Vec<u8> doesn't implement Read.

    The code in the question will work when the vector is coerced into a slice using one of the following methods:

    • read_4_bytes(&*vec_as_file)
    • read_4_bytes(&vec_as_file[..])
    • read_4_bytes(vec_as_file.as_slice()).


    • When asking the question initially, I was taking &Read instead of Read. This made passing a reference to a slice fail, unless I'd passed in &&*vec_as_file which I didn't think to do.
    • Recent versions of rust you can also use as_slice() to convert a Vec to a slice.
    • Thanks to @arete on #rust for finding the solution!