I would like to remove adjustment rows from my SQL select query. Here is what I have right now:
Resource Date Leave Position Hours Code
33333 26/02/2016 Sick Leave TRNSPLNR -7 SICK
33333 26/02/2016 Sick Leave TRNSPLNR 7 SICK
33333 26/02/2016 Vacation TRNSPLNR 7 VAC
This is what the end result should be:
Resource Date Leave Position Hours Code
33333 26/02/2016 Vacation TRNSPLNR 7 VAC
Assuming that there are exactly 2 such duplicates, you can do:
select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.date = t.date and
t2.leave = t.leave and
t2.resource = t.resource and
t2.hours = - t.hours
It is not clear what makes a duplicate, so you might want to add more comparisons into the inner where