I'm trying to setup a VPN connection to my server, but something goes wrong.
I've tried setting it up manually and it works.
Here's my configuration code. The server object has a name and a correct host for sure and i tried disabling extended authentication. Afaik remote and local identifiers are just random strings, so i have no idea what i could have done wrong.
fileprivate func updateCurrentVPN(withServer server: Server, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
let passwordRef = KeychainWrapper.standard.dataRef(forKey: self.account.username)
let secretRef = KeychainWrapper.standard.dataRef(forKey: API.ipsecSecretKey())
// checking if the strings are correct in a debugger
let password = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: self.account.username)
let secret = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: API.ipsecSecretKey())
// VPN
let manager = NEVPNManager.shared()
manager.loadFromPreferences { (error) in
if (error != nil)
print("Error: ", error.debugDescription)
let prtcl = NEVPNProtocolIPSec()
prtcl.username = self.account.username
prtcl.passwordReference = passwordRef
prtcl.serverAddress =
prtcl.authenticationMethod = NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod.sharedSecret
prtcl.sharedSecretReference = secretRef
prtcl.localIdentifier = "Test iOS device"
prtcl.remoteIdentifier =
prtcl.useExtendedAuthentication = true
prtcl.disconnectOnSleep = false
manager.isEnabled = true
manager.protocolConfiguration = prtcl
manager.isOnDemandEnabled = false
manager.localizedDescription = "MyVPN Configuration"
manager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in
if (error != nil)
print("Error: ", error.debugDescription)
self.serverButton.setTitle(, for: UIControlState.normal)
print("VPN prefs saved")
After config is saved i do:
let manager = NEVPNManager.shared()
do {
try manager.connection.startVPNTunnel()
} catch {
connectButton.setTitle("da failure :(", for: UIControlState.normal)
But it never throws an error, just prompts me with "Negotiation with the VPN server has failed" in a system alert. Btw, is it possible to catch this kind of errors?
Apparently, there's a bug is iOS SDK, according to this answer. Afaik the SDK treats local identifier as a group name and when it's set, the client initiating a Aggressive Mode IKE_SA. Turned out even if you permit aggressive mode on a backend it won't change much (in my case it didnt).
Removing lines
prtcl.localIdentifier = "Test iOS device"
prtcl.remoteIdentifier =
fixes the issue.