I am using the RedBeanPHP, I have a string of numbers, is it possible to store it like the string, not a double type? My example is next, and it doesn't work:
$participant = R::dispense('participants');
$participant->number = $number;
RedBean will automatically try to guess the right column type for the data you provide. However, it will never shrink a column, (for example from TEXT
), only widen (for example from INTEGER
If it's important for you that the database column is TEXT
during development, you could therefore insert a string
and delete it again to "trick" RedBean into making the column type TEXT
For example, put this code snippet into some type of initialization script:
$participant = R::dispense('participants');
$participant->number = 'not a number';
// Column 'participants.number' is now of type TEXT
As I mentioned earlier, RedBean will never shrink the column to INTEGER
even if you never insert anything else than number strings again.
On the other hand, if it's not critical to you during development, you could just freeze the database before deploying to production and manually change the column type to TEXT
in your database manager.