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Execute Set of ValidationRule-C# Class Design - Better Approach

I have a case there I need to execute set of validation rules for different companies. There will be multiple validation rules against one Company.

So I have following table Structure


ID      CompanyName  
1       ABC   
2       DEF  


RuleID      Name  
1           Rule1   
2           Rule2 


MappingID      CompanyId    RuleID
1              1             1
2              1             2
3              2             2

I have separate stored procedures for every validation rule.

So from my c# code, I will find all validation rule corresponding to a company and need to execute the validation stored procedure associated with that rule.

So I am planning to keep one Interface 'IValidation' which is having different validation methods.


Can i have to create different classes for each validation which implements an interface

Can anyone please suggest a better approach on this.


  • Your first level of generic validation interface which gives the flexibility of providing both result type and the model to be validated:

    public interface IValidate<T, R>
        where T : class
        where R : class // where T is any custom result and R is your custom model
        T Validate(R model);

    Let's say, I need to validate company policies which would be handled by a different sp altogether:

    public interface IValidateCompanyPolicies : IValidate<ValidationResult1, Company>
      ValidationResult1 Validate(Company model);

    Again, I also need to check for company monetary accounts, taxes, audits etc:

    public interface IValidateCompanyAccounts : IValidate<ValidationResult2, Company>
      ValidationResult2 Validate(Company model);
      bool HasAuditPassed(Company model);

    Resp. classes handling both kinds of IValidate interface

    public class ValidateCompanyPolicies : IValidateCompanyPolicies
        ValidationResult1 Validate(Company model)
            // Hit stored procedure corresponding to company policies validation
    public class ValidateCompanyAccounts : IValidateCompanyAccounts
        ValidationResult2 Validate(Company model)
            // Hit stored procedure corresponding to company's monetary accounts validation
        bool HasAuditPassed(Company model)
            // Hit stored procedure corresponding to get company audit results

    My end class which needs to perform all business intensive operations after performing validation:

    public class XYZCompany
        private IValidateCompanyPolicies companyPoliciesValidation;
        private IValidateCompanyAccounts companyAccountsValidation;
        public XYZCompany(
            IValidateCompanyPolicies companyPoliciesValidation,
            IValidateCompanyAccounts companyAccountsValidation)
            // Perform DI
        public bool UpdateCompany(Company model)
            var checkPolicies = this.companyPoliciesValidation.Validate(model);
            if (checkPolicies.Success)
                var checkAccounts = this.companyAccountsValidation.Validate(model);
                var auditSuccess = this.companyAccountsValidation.HasAuditPassed(model);
                if (checkAccounts.Success && auditSuccess)
                    // Perform DB save