If I have a csv file that's too large to load into memory with pandas (in this case 35gb), I know it's possible to process the file in chunks, with chunksize.
However I want to know if it's possible to change chunksize based on values in a column.
I have an ID column, and then several rows for each ID with information, like this:
ID, Time, x, y
sasd, 10:12, 1, 3
sasd, 10:14, 1, 4
sasd, 10:32, 1, 2
cgfb, 10:02, 1, 6
cgfb, 10:13, 1, 3
aenr, 11:54, 2, 5
tory, 10:27, 1, 3
tory, 10:48, 3, 5
I don't want to separate IDs into different chunks. for example chunks of size 4 would be processed:
ID, Time, x, y
sasd, 10:12, 1, 3
sasd, 10:14, 1, 4
sasd, 10:32, 1, 2
cgfb, 10:02, 1, 6
cgfb, 10:13, 1, 3 <--this extra line is included in the 4 chunk
ID, Time, x, y
aenr, 11:54, 2, 5
tory, 10:27, 1, 3
tory, 10:48, 3, 5
Is it possible?
If not perhaps using the csv library with a for loop along the lines of:
for line in file:
x += 1
if x > 1000000 and curid != line[0]:
curid = line[0]
#code to append line to a dataframe
although I know this would only create one chunk, and for loops take a long time to process.
If you iterate through the csv file line by line, you can yield
chunks with a generator dependent on any column.
Working example:
import pandas as pd
def iter_chunk_by_id(file):
csv_reader = pd.read_csv(file, iterator=True, chunksize=1, header=None)
first_chunk = csv_reader.get_chunk()
id = first_chunk.iloc[0,0]
chunk = pd.DataFrame(first_chunk)
for l in csv_reader:
if id == l.iloc[0,0]:
id = l.iloc[0,0]
chunk = chunk.append(l)
id = l.iloc[0,0]
yield chunk
chunk = pd.DataFrame(l)
yield chunk
## data.csv ##
# 1, foo, bla
# 1, off, aff
# 2, roo, laa
# 3, asd, fds
# 3, qwe, tre
# 3, tre, yxc
chunk_iter = iter_chunk_by_id("data.csv")
for chunk in chunk_iter:
0 1 2
0 1 foo bla
1 1 off aff
0 1 2
2 2 roo laa
3 2 jkl xds
0 1 2
4 3 asd fds
5 3 qwe tre
6 3 tre yxc