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xpdf batch file: how to change file name?

I'm using a simple batch file calling the xpdf engine to convert a PDF to a TXT file. Right now, the resulting txt file's name is the same as the PDF's, except the extension has been changed to .txt of course. However, I want to add some text behind the original file name, how can I do this? For example, if there's a PDF called test.pdf, it should be converted to text and stored in a txt file called testFULL.txt.

This is the current batch file I have: for /R %%s in (*.pdf) do "C:\xpdf\bin32\pdftotext" -raw "%%s"


  • Based on the comment showing that the output text file is a parameter:

    for /R %%s in (*.pdf) do "C:\xpdf\bin32\pdftotext" -raw "%%s" "%%~dpnsFULL.txt"