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Dart Component: How to return result of asynchronous callback?

Hey there I am quite new to Dart Futures and I have the following situation.

Whenever a user types a letter in the UI the addressChanged() method in my ui_component is called. This method calls the method getProposals() in my maps componenet which does an asynchronous request to the google maps API. As soon as the results are here I want to return them to the UI Component which is going to populate the propasals dropdown in the UI.

I am stuck with the last step: How (and whats the best way) to return the results of an asynchronous callback function to a parent component (while keeping an reusable maps component?).

This is what I have tried:

1) UI_Component:

// I get called if a user typed a new letter
     Future addressChanged(dynamic event) async {
        String id =;
        String address =;
          if(id=="pickup") {
              this.pickup = address;
          } else if(id=="destination") {
              this.destination = address;
        // this is where I call the subcomponent and want to get the address propasals
        String proposals = await googleMap.getProposals(address,id);

2) Google Map component:

  Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
    await _getProposals(address,id);

  Future _getProposals(String address,String id) async {

    if(address != "") {
          new AutocompletionRequest()
            ..input = address
          (predictions,status) {
            List<String> result = [];
            if(status == PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                  (AutocompletePrediction prediction) =>

            // HERE is the problem: How do I return this result from the callback as a result of the getProposals method?
            return result;


  • This method doesn't return any data

      Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
        await _getProposals(address,id);

    Change it to

      Future getProposals(String address,String id) {
        return _getProposals(address,id);

    This would also work, but here async and await is redunant

      Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
        return await _getProposals(address,id);

    For _getProposals you can use a Completer

      Future _getProposals(String address,String id) async {
        if(address != "") {
          Completer completer = new Completer();
              new AutocompletionRequest()
                ..input = address
              (predictions,status) {
                List<String> result = [];
                if(status == PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                      (AutocompletePrediction prediction) =>
                // HERE is the problem: How do I return this result from the callback as a result of the getProposals method?
          return completer.future;
        return null;