I have a text file with this content:
123412-01 123413-01 123411-01 123414-01 123415-01
I would like to write a script (Bash/shell/command line or PHP) that will select the 6 first digits for each line and copy the files in an other directory that contains images named like that.
123412-123.jpg 123412-124.jpg 123412-123.jpg 123413-123.jpg 123414-123.jpg 123415-123.jpg 123416-123.jpg
I don't know if I'm clear in my question.
Read the first line and select the 3 first digits (keep it in memory)
Read the first line and now select the 6 first digits (keep it in memory)
Convert the images (in a second directory) that contain the 3 first digits and the nine 6 in folder and subfolder. For Example using the command:
convert /blabla/Images/H(3 first digits)/(6digits)-*.jpg /test/PDF/(6digits)-01.pdf
Read the second line...
I have write this code to try it but it's not working.
cat id.txt sF= cut -b 1-3 id.txt F=cut cut -b 1-6 id.txt while read -r line ; do convert /blabla/Images/H$sF/$F.jpg /test/PDF/'$F'-01.pdf done
I think I'm doing wrong with the variable and the path but I can't find any solution to solve it.
I think you mean this:
while read line; do
echo convert "/blah/blah/images/H${first3}/${first6}-*.jpg" "/test/PDF/${first6}-01.pdf"
done < file.txt
which gives this:
Sample Output
convert /blah/blah/images/H123/123412-*.jpg /test/PDF/123412-01.pdf
convert /blah/blah/images/H123/123413-*.jpg /test/PDF/123413-01.pdf
convert /blah/blah/images/H123/123411-*.jpg /test/PDF/123411-01.pdf
convert /blah/blah/images/H123/123414-*.jpg /test/PDF/123414-01.pdf
convert /blah/blah/images/H123/123415-*.jpg /test/PDF/123415-01.pdf