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Can an ECS container have access to the docker socket?

I have a docker image, the sole point of which is to launch sub docker images for continuous integration.

If I were to run it on any docker enabled computer, it would be:

docker run -d \
   -e DRONE_SERVER=wss:// \
   -e DRONE_SECRET=... \
   -e DRONE_TIMEOUT=30m \
   -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
   --restart=always \
   --name=drone-agent \
   drone/drone:0.5 agent

But the ECS panel doesn't seem to allow me to pass the v flag. I don't think this is being passed, even if I select privileged mode.

This image only contains one binary. It is not possible to ssh in and poke around. How can I debug this using ECS tooling? e.g. to see the docker launch parameters.

And how can I get the socket mounted? Am I going to have to fall back to managing my own EC2 instance that launches docker?


  • I got this working!

    The trick is to add a Volume at the Task level (left hand side of -v) and then in the Container level add this as a mount, choosing where to put it (right hand side of -v).