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Extract value from JSON

I am trying to use PowerShell to extract value from JSON object, I have the following JSON:

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
     "clusterName": {
      "value": "hbasehd35"
     "location": {
      "value": "East US 2"
     "clusterType": {
      "value": "hbase"
     "clusterVersion": {
      "value": "3.5"
     "clusterWorkerNodeCount": {
      "value": 5
     "subnetName": {
      "value": "hbase-subnet"
     "headNodeSize": {
      "value": "Standard_D12_v2"
     "workerNodeSize": {
      "value": "Standard_D12_v2"
     "zookeeperSize": {
      "value": "Large"
     "clusterStorageAccountName": {
      "value": "hbasestorage"
     "storageAccountType": {
      "value": "Standard_GRS"
     "Environment": {
      "value": "test"

Here I want to extract clusterStorageAccountName from this file using powershell, and assign it to variable.

Anyone know how to do this ?


  • Use the Get-Content cmdlet to read the file, convert it using the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet and just access the property you want:

    $yourVariable = (Get-Content 'yourJsonFilePath.json' | ConvertFrom-Json).parameters.clusterStorageAccountName.value