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Restricting TFS check-in policy to specific users

The title says it all really. Our team wants to somehow restrict a TFS check-in policy to some select users.

We are currently using something similar, but to restrict server paths. We have a Custom Path Policy policy attached to a Work Items policy in our project, and it is working as expected. I wondered if it would be reasonable to create another policy like that, that scopes a certain other policy to a group of predefined users.

We would like to use a feature like that with this code review policy, to enforce that code reviews are requested before check-in for the new developers that enter the company, but not for everyone.


  • Here is my custom policy implementation. It allows to run child policy if user does not have certain permissions (is not member of certain group).

    It can be used with custom path policy from TFS power pack and ColinsALMCornerCheckinPolicies Then it will be possible to ask for code review only for certain projects|files|folders and only if user has no permission to check-in without code review.

    You have said that had migrated from TFS but I'd like to leave answer here because have not found solution for original question.