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Executing UninstallString in Inno Setup

My requirement is to check for previous installation of SQL native Client 11, before installation and uninstall the previous version. I have been able to check for the previous installation with no problems, however, I am unable to uninstall the same.

I used the solution mentioned in the How to detect old installation and offer removal?

During run time, I am getting the following error

Exception: Internal error: Unknown constant "A22EED3F-6DB6-4987-8023-6C6B7030E554".

(where the constant is the GUID of the native client) during the execution of the line

Exec(ExpandConstant(sUnInstallString), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, iResultCode);

The sUnInstallString is

MsiExec.exe /I{A22EED3F-6DB6-4987-8023-6C6B7030E554}

Thanks in advance.


  • That's not a (Inno Setup) constant. That's a GUID. Remove the ExpandConstant call.

    And you need to split the uninstall string to a program path and its parameters.

      P: Integer;
      UninstallPath: string;
      UninstallParams: string;
      // ...
      // In case the program path is quoted, because it contains spaces.
      // (it's not in your case, but it can be, in general)
      if Copy(sUnInstallString, 1, 1) = '"' then
        Delete(sUnInstallString, 1, 1);
        P := Pos('"', sUnInstallString);
        else P := 0;
      if P = 0 then
        P := Pos(' ', sUnInstallString);
      UninstallPath := Copy(sUnInstallString, 1, P - 1);
      UninstallParams :=
        TrimLeft(Copy(sUnInstallString, P + 1, Length(sUnInstallString) - P));
      Exec(UninstallPath, UninstallParams, '', SW_SHOW, wWaitUntilTerminated,
      // ...