I have a string called Dats
which is either of the general appearence xxxx-nnnnn
(where x
is a character, and n
is a number) or nnn-nnnnnn
I want to return only the numbers.
For this I've tried:
SELECT Distinct dats,
Left(SubString(artikelnr, PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', artikelnr), 8000), PatIndex('%[^0-9.-]%', SubString(artikelnr, PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', artikelnr), 8000) + 'X')-1)
FROM ThatDatabase
It is almost what I want. It removes the regular characters x
, but it does not remove the unicode character -
. How can I remove this as well? And also, it seems rather ineffective to have two PatIndex
functions for every row, is there a way to avoid this? (This will be used on a big database where the result of this Query will be used as keys).
EDIT: Updated as a new database sometimes contained additional -
's or .
together with -
DECLARE @T as table
dats nvarchar(10)
I wasn't sure if you wanted the numbers before the -
char as well, but if you do, here is one way to do it:
Create and populate sample table (Please save us this step in your future questions)
DECLARE @T as table
dats nvarchar(10)
The query:
SELECT dats,
case when patindex('%[^0-9]-[0-9]%', dats) > 0 then
right(dats, len(dats) - patindex('%-[0-9]%', dats))
stuff(dats, charindex('-', dats), 1, '')
end As NumbersOnly
dats NumbersOnly
abcde-1234 1234
23-343 23343
If you want the only the numbers to the right of the -
char, it's simpler:
SELECT dats,
right(dats, len(dats) - patindex('%-[0-9]%', dats)) As RightNumbersOnly
dats RightNumbersOnly
abcde-1234 1234
23-343 343