I have the following simple oracle query:
select A.field
from table1 A
left join table2@remotedb B on A.id = B.id
Where table B has a BLOB field
It runs fine
If i add a concat to the select:
select A.field||'x'
from table1 A
left join table2@remotedb B on A.id = B.id
I get the following error: "ora-22992 cannot use lob locators selected from remote tables"
Why adding a concat to a filed which isn't the LOB file is giving me this error?!?
What can i do to avoid it?
with sub1 as
select /*+ materialize */ A.field
from table1 A
left join table2@remotedb B on A.id = B.id
select field || 'x'
from sub1