I have no problem sending synchronous mails, but the ones that get executed on a queue using Mail::queue throw the next error:
Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException: Target [Swift_Transport] is not instantiable while building [Illuminate\Mail\Mailer, Swift_Mailer]. in /var/www/myapp.dev/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php:804
Everything is configured correctly as emails are being sent when I do it synchronously
After having so much trouble with sending emails inside of Lumen Jobs, I encapsulated the email sending in a Job which works with mailables like this:
namespace App\Jobs;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
class MailDispatcher extends Job {
public $mail;
public function __construct(Mailable $mail) {
$this->mail = $mail;
public function handle() {
Then when I want to queue a mail...
$mail = new MyMailableMail($user);
dispatch(new MailDispatcher($mail));
And it works correctly