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How to set resource name on an ad-hoc method of Viewset in Django Rest Framework JSON API?

I am using Django 1.10 with DRF 3.5 and Django Rest Framework JSON API 2.1.1. I have a Viewset that follows the normal pattern of a ModelViewset, but I need to add an ad-hoc as follows:

class EnvoiViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = Envoi.objects.none()
    serializer_class = EnvoiSerializer
    filter_class = EnvoiFilter
    ordering_fields = ('date_envoi',)

    # ....

    def ad_hoc_method(self, request):

My problem is that I want to change the resource name for the method but not for the class. Is this possible with a decorator or something like it ? For example:

def ad_hoc_method(self, request):


  • The ViewSet is the controller of the resource. It doesn't make sense to set a method on a ViewSet and associate it with another resource.

    Either write a function with decorator to make an API entry point or get a new ViewSet for it.