I have a Math problem I'm struggling with.
I have a particular radian I want to point the camera at (camera.rotation.y). I want to tell the user if they need to pan left or right to get to that radian, with a tolerance of PI/4.
I've normalised the pan number by getting the camera + dolly rotation
function getCurrentPan(){
return dolly.rotation.y + camera.rotation.y > 0
? (dolly.rotation.y + camera.rotation.y)%Math.PI
: ((dolly.rotation.y + camera.rotation.y)%Math.PI) + Math.PI;
So it's always between 0 and PI.
I'd planned on working out the range which I can check against to see if the user needs to pan left or right to get to that radian. Trying this code:
point.leftRange = {};
point.leftRange.min = point.pan - range > 0 ? point.pan - range : Math.PI - point.pan - range;
point.leftRange.max = point.leftRange.min - Math.PI/2 - range > 0 ? (point.pan - range)%Math.PI : (Math.PI - (point.leftRange.min - Math.PI/2 - range))% Math.PI;
point.rightRange = {};
point.rightRange.min = (point.pan + range) % Math.PI;
point.rightRange.max = (point.rightRange.min + (Math.PI/2 - range)) % Math.PI;
Which is giving me something like
Another approach I've tried is
var opp = (point.pan - Math.PI/2)%Math.PI;
opp = opp > 0 ? opp : Math.PI - opp;
if(getCurrentPan() > point.pan && getCurrentPan() < opp)
else if(getCurrentPan() < point.pan && getCurrentPan() > opp)
Which again won't take into account if the pan is like 0.5 and left range is 3 etc (other side of PI).
Sorry I'm not explaining this well but if anyone can point me the right direction I'd appreciate it!
This is overengineered. if you want to figure out whether a target is to the left or right of the camera, you do this:
d = camera.getworlddirection();
diff = target.position - camera.position;
theta = atan2(diff.x,diff.z) - atan2(d.x,d.z);
this is the angle between where your camera is looking vs where the object is in relation to the camera.
if(abs(theta) < someThreshold){
if(theta > 0){
//its to the right
//its to the left