I'm trying to understand the file formats of the WordNet, and the main documents are WNDB and WNINPUT. As I understood in WNDB, there are the files called index.something
and data.something
, where this something
can be noun, adv, vrb, adj
So, if I want to know something about the word dog
as a noun
, I'd look into the index.noun
, search for the word dog
, which gives me the line:
dog n 7 5 @ ~ #m #p %p 7 1 02086723 10133978 10042764 09905672 07692347 03907626 02712903
According to the WNDB documment, this line represents these data:
lemma pos synset_cnt p_cnt [ptr_symbol...] sense_cnt tagsense_cnt synset_offset [synset_offset...]
Where lemma
is the word, pos
is the identifier that tells it's a noun, synset_cnt
tells us in how many synsets this word is included, p_cnt
tells us how many pointers to these synsets we have, [ptr_symbol]
is an array of pointers, sense_cnt
and tagsense_cnt
I didn't understand and would like an explanation, and synset_offset
is one or more synsets to be looked into the data.noun
Ok, so I know those pointers point to something, and here are their descriptions, as written in WNINPUT:
@ Hypernym
~ Hyponym
#m Member holonym
#p Part holonym
%p Part meronym
I don't know how to find a Hypernym for this noun, but let's continue:
The other important data are the synset_offset
s, which are:
02086723 10133978 10042764 09905672 07692347 03907626 02712903
Let's look at the first one, 02086723
, in data.noun
02086723 05 n 03 dog 0 domestic_dog 0 Canis_familiaris 0 023 @ 02085998 n 0000 @ 01320032 n 0000 #m 02086515 n 0000 #m 08011383 n 0000 ~ 01325095 n 0000 ~ 02087384 n 0000 ~ 02087513 n 0000 ~ 02087924 n 0000 ~ 02088026 n 0000 ~ 02089774 n 0000 ~ 02106058 n 0000 ~ 02112993 n 0000 ~ 02113458 n 0000 ~ 02113610 n 0000 ~ 02113781 n 0000 ~ 02113929 n 0000 ~ 02114152 n 0000 ~ 02114278 n 0000 ~ 02115149 n 0000 ~ 02115478 n 0000 ~ 02115987 n 0000 ~ 02116630 n 0000 %p 02161498 n 0000 | a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"
As you can see, we've found the line that begins with 02086723
. The contents of this line are described in WNDB as:
synset_offset lex_filenum ss_type w_cnt word lex_id [word lex_id...] p_cnt [ptr...] [frames...] | gloss
synset_offset we already know,
says in which of the lexicographers file is our word (this is the part that I don't understand the most),
is n
which tells us that it's a noun,
: two digit hexadecimal integer indicating the number of words in the synset, which in this case is 03
, which means we have 3 words in this synset: dog 0 domestic_dog 0 Canis_familiaris 0
, each one followed by a number called:
: one digit hexadecimal integer that, when appended onto lemma , uniquely identifies a sense within a lexicographer file
p_cnt: counts the number of pointers, which in our case is `023`, so we have 23 pointers, wow
After p_cnt
, then comes the pointers, each one in the format:
pointer_symbol synset_offset pos source/target
Where pointer_symbol
is about the symbols like the ones I showed (@, ~, ...),
: is the byte offset of the target synset in the data file corresponding to pos
: field distinguishes lexical and semantic pointers. It is a four byte field, containing two two-digit hexadecimal integers. The first two digits indicates the word number in the current (source) synset, the last two digits indicate the word number in the target synset. A value of 0000 means that pointer_symbol represents a semantic relation between the current (source) synset and the target synset indicated by synset_offset .
Ok, so let's examine the first pointer:
@ 02085998 n 0000
It's a pointer with symbol @
, indicating it's a Hypernym
, and points to the synset wiuth offset 02085998
of type n
(noun), and source/target
is 0000
When I search for in data.noun, I get
02085998 05 n 02 canine 0 canid 0 011 @ 02077948 n 0000 #m 02085690 n 0000 + 02688440 a 0101 ~ 02086324 n 0000 ~ 02086723 n 0000 ~ 02116752 n 0000 ~ 02117748 n 0000 ~ 02117987 n 0000 ~ 02119787 n 0000 ~ 02120985 n 0000 %p 02442560 n 0000 | any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles
which is an Hypernym
of dog
. So that's how you find relations betweet synsets. I guess the pointer symbols in the line for dog were just to inform which types of relations I could find for the word dog? Isn't it redundant? Because these pointer symbols are already in each of the synset_offsets
as we seen. When we look at each synset_offset
in data.noun
, we can see those pointer symbols, so why they're necessary in the index.noun
Also, see that I didn't use the lexicographers file at all. I know that in data.noun
, specifically in the field lex_filenum
, I can know where the data structure for dog
is located, but what is this structure for? As you can see, I could find hypernym, and many other relations, just by looking at the index
and data
files, I didn't use any of the so called lexicographer files
Yes, the Wordnet documentation is rather hard to read...
You're looking for this page: https://wordnet.princeton.edu/wordnet/man/lexnames.5WN.html
During WordNet development synsets are organized into forty-five lexicographer files based on syntactic category and logical groupings
These groupings are some sort of parallel clusters (flat grouppings) to the hyper-hyponym hierarchical ontology.
In short:
From the docs:
File Format [of the lexicographer files in WordNet-3.0/dict/
Each line in lexnames contains 3 tab separated fields, and is terminated with a newline character. The first field is the two digit decimal integer file number. (The first file in the list is numbered 00 .) The second field is the name of the lexicographer file that is represented by that number, and the third field is an integer that indicates the syntactic category of the synsets contained in the file. This is simply a shortcut for programs and scripts, since the syntactic category is also part of the lexicographer file's name.
In layman's explanation (me):
It's just a standard of how you should assign the values for the 2nd column in the files, e.g.
, etc.Traditionally, Wordnet creators/maintainers should name their files accordingly but sometimes, it's easier to just put all nouns together and use the index of denote the synset's category.
The guidelines for the categories are as follows:
File Number Name Contents
00 adj.all all adjective clusters
01 adj.pert relational adjectives (pertainyms)
02 adv.all all adverbs
03 noun.Tops unique beginner for nouns
04 noun.act nouns denoting acts or actions
05 noun.animal nouns denoting animals
06 noun.artifact nouns denoting man-made objects
07 noun.attribute nouns denoting attributes of people and objects
08 noun.body nouns denoting body parts
09 noun.cognition nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents
10 noun.communication nouns denoting communicative processes and contents
11 noun.event nouns denoting natural events
12 noun.feeling nouns denoting feelings and emotions
13 noun.food nouns denoting foods and drinks
14 noun.group nouns denoting groupings of people or objects
15 noun.location nouns denoting spatial position
16 noun.motive nouns denoting goals
17 noun.object nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)
18 noun.person nouns denoting people
19 noun.phenomenon nouns denoting natural phenomena
20 noun.plant nouns denoting plants
21 noun.possession nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession
22 noun.process nouns denoting natural processes
23 noun.quantity nouns denoting quantities and units of measure
24 noun.relation nouns denoting relations between people or things or ideas
25 noun.shape nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes
26 noun.state nouns denoting stable states of affairs
27 noun.substance nouns denoting substances
28 noun.time nouns denoting time and temporal relations
29 verb.body verbs of grooming, dressing and bodily care
30 verb.change verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc.
31 verb.cognition verbs of thinking, judging, analyzing, doubting
32 verb.communication verbs of telling, asking, ordering, singing
33 verb.competition verbs of fighting, athletic activities
34 verb.consumption verbs of eating and drinking
35 verb.contact verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging
36 verb.creation verbs of sewing, baking, painting, performing
37 verb.emotion verbs of feeling
38 verb.motion verbs of walking, flying, swimming
39 verb.perception verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling
40 verb.possession verbs of buying, selling, owning
41 verb.social verbs of political and social activities and events
42 verb.stative verbs of being, having, spatial relations
43 verb.weather verbs of raining, snowing, thawing, thundering
44 adj.ppl participial adjectives
So for example in WordNet-3.0/dict/data.noun
, we see lines:
00034213 03 n 01 phenomenon 0 008 @ 00029677 n 0000 ~ 11408559 n 0000 ~ 11408733 n 0000 ~ 11408914 n 0000 ~ 11410625 n 0000 ~ 11418138 n 0000 ~ 11418460 n 0000 ~ 11529295 n 0000 | any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
00034479 04 n 01 thing 0 001 @ 00037396 n 0000 | an action; "how could you do such a thing?"
Look at the 2nd column, for phenomenon
the value is 03
which points to noun.Tops
For thing
, it has the value 04
which refers to noun.act
IMHO, depending on the usage, these assignments may not be useful. They are mostly use when creating the wordnet and how we can easily flatten ontological hierarchies into simple flat clusters.