I have googled for hours and while there are plenty of examples on how to float WPF elements, I am having difficulty getting two simple elements that are floated on the same line. Here is my code
<FlowDocument ColumnWidth="999999">
<Floater HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="200">
<Run Text="Hello World Left"/>
<Floater HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="200">
<Run Text="Hello World Right"/>
I would expect these to appear on the same line on the left and right hand side of the page. However the right hand side one gets shifted down by a line:
How can I keep the right hand side floated element at the same height as the left?
Don't know why it works (might do with the hanging or indent), set an empty run as the first Inline of the Paragraph:
<Paragraph >
<Run />
<Floater HorizontalAlignment="Left" Background="AliceBlue"
BaselineAlignment="TextBottom" Width="200">
<Run Text="Hello World Left"/>
<Floater HorizontalAlignment="Right" Background="AntiqueWhite"
BaselineAlignment="TextBottom" Width="200">
<Run Text="Hello World Right"/>