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plot the effect of two categorical factors over an unordered multinomial variable in R

using these data, i want to simultaneously plot the effects of two categorical factors over a multinomial variable. This is as far as ai could go:

 ggplot(df,aes(x=treatment , y=option, group=morph)) +
 geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
 ylab("Escape strategy")+

I am after a graph in which for each treatment there are two bars, one for each morph, and within each bar, the frequency of each option is shown as color ocuppying a proportional length of the solid bar.

Thanks in advance.


  • Here is one approach for displaying bar plots for three categorical variables. I have added a minimal example data set for reproducibility (based on your posted data).

    # Small example data set.
    dat = read.table(header=TRUE,
    text="option    treatment   morph
    burrow  a   c
    hide    a   c
    hide    a   c
    hide    a   c
    run a   c
    run a   c
    burrow  a   d
    burrow  a   d
    burrow  a   d
    hide    a   d
    run a   d
    run b   c
    run b   c
    run b   c
    burrow  b   c
    hide    b   c
    burrow  b   d
    burrow  b   d
    hide    b   d
    run b   d")
    p1 = ggplot(dat, aes(x=morph, fill=option)) +
         geom_bar(position="fill") +
         scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
         facet_grid(. ~ treatment, labeller=label_both)
    ggsave("bar_plot.png", p1, height=6, width=6, dpi=150)

    enter image description here