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Bidirectional Arrow

I'm trying to capture a symmetrical data processing pipeline using arrows, and was wondering if bidirectional composition is possible.

Control.Arrow exposes the following

-- | Left to right composition
(>>>) :: Category cat => cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c 

-- | Right to left composition
(<<<) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c 

what I'd like, but cannot work out how to express is bidirectional composition of pairs. The type is something like.

(<^>) :: Category cat => cat (a,y) (b,z) -> cat (b,x) (c,y) -> cat (a,x) (c,z) 

where the first element of each pair is to composed left-to-right, and the second to be composed right-to-left.


  • Here's an example of a category involving pairs of forward and backwards functions.

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, GADTs #-}
    import Prelude hiding ((.))
    import Data.Category
    import Data.Category.Product
    type C = (->) :**: (Op (->))

    The above states that C (a,b) (c,d) is isomorphic to a pair (a->c, d->b). Pairs "compose" in the category in the natural way: the forward functions are composed forwards, the backwards functions are composed backwards.

    Here are two examples:

    f :: C (String, Bool) (Int, Char)
    f = length :**: Op (=='a')

    Note how the backwards function has to be wrapped in an Op (belongs to the "opposite" category).

    g :: C (Int, Char) ([Int], Maybe Char)
    g = (\x->[x,x]) :**: Op (maybe 'X' id)

    Note how the "source" of g is the "target" of f. This ensures composition is possible.

    composed :: C (String, Bool) ([Int], Maybe Char)
    composed = g . f
    test :: ([Int], Bool)
    test = case composed of
       (forward :**: Op backward) -> (forward "abcde", backward Nothing)
    -- result: ([5,5],False)

    On a more practical side, note that Data.Category and Control.Category are different beasts :-( and that the Control.Arrow library mentioned in the question uses the latter.

    Still, it should be possible to define Op and :**: for Control.Category as well. Maybe it's already on hackage somewhere (?).