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Lazy tips ? (Like Visual Studio)

I recently discover Löve and Zerobrane, I come from VB.NET on Visual Studio 2013/17 and I look for configure some tricks.

After some search, I write this in system preferences :

acandtip.fillups = " +-*/%.,(){}[]"

Whith it, auto complete is quick (generally, I accept suggestion and I use these keys to continue my line)

But I don't find preferences for this : When I write "if true" and I press Enter, Visual Studio automaticaly write :

if true then
   --my cursor is here

(Same trick on function, for, etc ...)

Another trick that I don't find : When I write "a=b+c", Visual Studio automaticaly write :

a = b + c

It's very usefull when you read your code ;)

I'm french, maybe I don't find correct words on google to find these preferences.

Thanks for your read and maybe for your help :D


  • ZeroBrane Studio doesn't automatically add those whitespaces and doesn't add then end snippets when typing if true in the current version.