I'm researching requirements for a new Outlook add-in. I'd like to determine if the current version of the JavaScript API allows add-ins to enumerate all of the current user's contacts and calendar events. I need to sync these contacts and events against a third-party system using a REST API.
Is a "get contacts" and/or "get events" (bounded by a date) query possible using the native Outlook add-in JavaScript API?
I'd prefer to do this using the native JavaScript API, but this could be something more suited to an Exchange Web Services call. Something involving makeEwsRequestAsync, perhaps?
The Mailbox API doesn't have any methods for accessing data beyond the context of the current item that the add-in is activated for. So yes, EWS is an option, as well as the Outlook REST APIs.
EWS can be quite difficult to work with, as the XML requests and responses are time consuming to work with (one typo and you're screwed). I would recommend the REST APIs instead.