I am running a JAX-WS web service client on an IBM WebSphere traditional server. The WSDL requires encryption and signing. I am configuring the WS-Security in an Application Policy set and General Client policy set and attaching those to the application.
The service provider expects EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p"
WebSphere is sending
Can someone tell me how to change the EncryptionMethod Algorithm to xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p in the Policy set?
Thanks in advance.
Got this from IBM. It answered my question.
To view this administrative console page: 1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name. 2. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table. 3. Click the Main policy link or the Bootstrap policy link. 4. Click the Algorithms for symmetric tokens link or the Algorithms for asymmetric tokens link. This administrative console page applies only to Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) applications.