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Streetview into fragment android

I need to add the streetview into a fragment

public class Streetview extends Fragment  implements OnStreetViewPanoramaReadyCallback {
WebView wv1;
SupportMapFragment mSupportMapFragment;
private GoogleMap googleMap;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    View view= inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_streetview, container, false);
    StreetViewPanoramaFragment streetViewPanoramaFragment =
            (StreetViewPanoramaFragment) getFragmentManager()
    return view;
public void onStreetViewPanoramaReady(StreetViewPanorama panorama) {
    panorama.setPosition(new LatLng(-33.87365, 151.20689));
} }

I tried that but its not working

How to add streetview to a fragment in android?


  • You're in a Fragment, already, so you can use a StreetViewPanoramaView in your XML, not another Fragment.

    In the link you posted, there are examples of that class

    I would suggest using that instead.

    StreetViewPanoramaFragment already is a Fragment, so you ideally should not have it inside another one. You instead should use it directly from the Activity, like your link shows.

    If you did want that, though, a Fragment in another Fragment, needs to be gotten from the getChildFragmentManager(). No guarantees that works, though.