To my knowledge, in the ZXing Android source code, there is a custom layout to display key points in the QR code image (ViewfinderView
). It then displays analysis of the byte stream of the image.
Can I detach from this design and use the Android ZXing source code to develop an approach which can be used in both the Android and BlackBerry platforms?
It will be a JAR file which can be used to decode QR codes, using the Android ZXing source.
Can this be done? Have anyone tried this approach?
All of the core decoding code (in core/) is Java 1.2-compatible, and compatible with the J2ME subset of Java (MIDP 2, CLDC 1.1). So, yes, it works fine on Blackberry. However the Android-specific code you are referencing is never going to be of any use on a RIM device; completely different APIs. But, go find the rim/ folder which has a RIM-specific client for you.