I have installed LZO on my Ubuntu machine and I would like to use ti to compress a char* type string.
In the example files I have found this code snippet (I have already edited it just a little for my application):
int r;
lzo_bytep in;
lzo_bytep out;
lzo_voidp wrkmem;
lzo_uint in_len;
lzo_uint out_len;
lzo_uint new_len;
int strToCompressLen; // I have added this
* Step 1: initialize the LZO library
if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK)
cout << "internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!" << endl;
cout << "(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)" << endl;
//return 4;
// here I get the data I want to compress
char* imageData = (char*)imageIn->getFrame();
* Step 2: allocate blocks and the work-memory
strToCompressLen = strlen(imageData);
in = (lzo_bytep) xmalloc(strToCompressLen);
out = (lzo_bytep) xmalloc((strToCompressLen + strToCompressLen / 16 + 64 + 3));
wrkmem = (lzo_voidp) xmalloc(LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS);
if (in == NULL || out == NULL || wrkmem == NULL)
cout << "out of memory" << endl;
//return 3;
* Step 3: prepare the input block that will get compressed.
* We just fill it with zeros in this example program,
* but you would use your real-world data here.
in_len = strToCompressLen;
* Step 4: compress from 'in' to 'out' with LZO1X-1
r = lzo1x_1_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem);
if (r != LZO_E_OK)
/* this should NEVER happen */
cout << "internal error - compression failed: " << r << endl;
//return 2;
/* check for an incompressible block */
if (out_len >= in_len)
cout << "This block contains incompressible data." << endl;
//return 0;
But what it does is it just fill in zeros. I need to compress a char* variable.
I guess I need to edit these lines:
in_len = strToCompressLen;
I have the string I want to compress in this variable:
char* imageData = (char*)imageIn->getFrame();
Do I need to cast it to some other type?
The documentation to LZO is not very helpful (or maybe I just can't use it properly).
There are three main points of confusion:
Assuming you can get the size of your image from imageIn using something like imageIn->getFrameSizeBytes(), try this:
int r;
lzo_bytep out;
lzo_voidp wrkmem;
lzo_uint out_len;
lzo_uint new_len;
* Step 1: initialize the LZO library
if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK)
cout << "internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!" << endl;
cout << "(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)" << endl;
//return 4;
// here I get the data I want to compress
lzo_bytep imageData = (lzo_bytep) imageIn->getFrame();
size_t uncompressedImageSize = imageIn->getFrameSizeBytes();
* Step 2: allocate blocks and the work-memory
out = (lzo_bytep) xmalloc((uncompressedImageSize + uncompressedImageSize / 16 + 64 + 3));
wrkmem = (lzo_voidp) xmalloc(LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS);
if (out == NULL || wrkmem == NULL)
cout << "out of memory" << endl;
//return 3;
* Step 4: compress from 'imageData' to 'out' with LZO1X-1
r = lzo1x_1_compress(imageData,uncompressedImageSize,out,&out_len,wrkmem);
if (r != LZO_E_OK)
/* this should NEVER happen */
cout << "internal error - compression failed: " << r << endl;
//return 2;
/* check for an incompressible block */
if (out_len >= uncompressedImageSize)
cout << "This block contains incompressible data." << endl;
//return 0;
Don't forget to free wrkmem. Even better, use C++ and std::vector for the working memory so it is freed automatically.