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LexikJWT get user profile by token

Using LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, FOSRest, FOSUser how do I get authenticated user profile by token. Is it possible?

So let's say user is already authenticated via LexikJWT and I have an api endpoint like /api/profile where I send the token and I expect to get specified user data.

I'm using for frontend ReactJS with Redux.


  • This is an example of how to get your user by a service when the user is already authenticated:

    class UserService
        /** @var  TokenStorageInterface */
        private $tokenStorage;
         * @param TokenStorageInterface  $storage
        public function __construct(
            TokenStorageInterface $storage,
            $this->tokenStorage = $storage;
        public function getCurrentUser()
            $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
            if ($token instanceof TokenInterface) {
                /** @var User $user */
                $user = $token->getUser();
                return $user;
            } else {
                return null;

    And in your services.yml:

        class: YourBundle\YourPackage\UserService
        arguments: [ '@security.token_storage' ]

    This will return your user - but be aware depending on the how user got set to the token during authentication this can be as well only your username as a string. But basically you get any content from your current $token->getUser().