Search code examples

Both Angular & bootstrap UI tab become active in prevent default

I have a CSS problem while using Angular UI-Tab. The Issue is that I have a scenario in which I got two tabs. I need to prevent tab switching based on some condition.

For that I had used prevent default. So when I prevent the event CSS shows that both tab is active. Because the click has just begin but stopped on the way.

My HTML us:

    <uib-tab index="1">
        <div class="PL_7 PR_7">
            <div class="clearfix">
                search tab
    <uib-tab index="2" ng-click="ctrl.activateOrderBinTab()" deselect="ctrl.tabSelected($event)">
        <div class="PL_7 PR_7">
            order tab

and the deselect() function is

 function tabSelected($event) {
        var unsavedRows = angular.element('.dx-cell-modified');
        if (unsavedRows.length > 0) {
            NotifyToastService.showError(gettext("Please save or cancel changes to the order bin to add items"));

When I tried this what happen is

enter image description here

What I need

enter image description here

Please let me know what should I do to prevent this.


  • Try to solve given problem using $emit.

    Updates in your code :

    1. Applied css class to
    2. removed deselect="ctrl.tabSelected($event)"

    I faced same problem and I resolved it using $emit.

    Here is a code :

    <uib-tabset class="selectedTab">
        <uib-tab index="1">
            <div class="PL_7 PR_7">
                <div class="clearfix">
                    search tab
        <uib-tab index="2" ng-click="ctrl.activateOrderBinTab()">
            <div class="PL_7 PR_7">
                order tab
     function tabSelected($event) {
            var unsavedRows = angular.element('.dx-cell-modified');
            if (unsavedRows.length > 0) {
                NotifyToastService.showError(gettext("Please save or cancel changes to the order bin to add items"));
                $rootScope.$emit('selectedTab', 2);
    $rootScope.$on('selectedTab', function (event, newTabIndex) {
            $timeout(function () {
                ctrl.selectedTab = newTabIndex;
                //this is needed to set the focus on active tab element
                //to overcome css focus styling
                angular.element(".selectedTab ul > li:nth-child(" + (newTabIndex) + ") a").focus();
            }, 1);