i'm developing an application with symfony 3 and i want to create a custom query with query builder.
i have an entity named: Bien having many adresses.( Address is an other entity). so i want to get all adresses not existing in Bien entity.
the query that i want to produce is :
select a.id from address a where a.id not in ( select b.address_id from bien b)
in my AddressRepository i did that :
public function getAdressesByRueNotJoined($rue)
$qb2 = $this->createQueryBuilder('ab')
->from('BienBundle:Bien', 'bi');
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
$qb->where('a.rue = :rue')
->setParameter('rue', $rue)
$qb->expr()->notIn('a', $qb2->getDQL())
the query returned is :
SELECT a0_.id AS id_0, a0_.name AS name_1, a0_.rue_id AS rue_id_2 FROM adresse a0_ WHERE a0_.rue_id = ? AND a0_.id NOT IN (SELECT a1_.id FROM adresse a1_, bien b2_)
How can i resolve that ?
in $qb2 i added identiy like this
$qb2 = $this->createQueryBuilder('ad')
->from('SBC\BienBundle\Entity\Bien', 'bi')
but i dont what does it mean