I've been searching for a solution to get all created/modified and deleted files by a specific process from an event trace (ETW) session (I will process data from an etl file not from a real-time session).
Apparently the simplest solution to get this done was to get the FileCreate and FileDelete events from FileIo_Name class and map them to the corresponding DiskIo_TypeGroup1 events. However, this solution isn't working for me since I don't receive any DiskIo_TypeGroup1 events for the corresponding FileDelete events, so I can not get the process ID. Also not all FileCreate events have an associated DiskIo_TypeGroup1 event (I think this happens for the empty created files or only for the opened files).
Note: I need DiskIo_TypeGroup1 mapping because FileIo_Name events don't have the ThreadId and ProcessId members populated - they are set to (ULONG)-1. Also, I can not decide which files where just opened or modified without knowing the "file write size". DiskIo_TypeGroup1 also don't have the ThreadId and ProcessId (in event header, on newer OS's) members populated, but it has the IssuingThreadId structure member from which I can obtain the ProcessId mapping to Thread_TypeGroup1 class events.
So I investigated how the FileIo_Create class can help me, and remarked that I can get the CreateOptions member which can have the following flags: (FILE_SUPERSEDE, FILE_CREATE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_OPEN_IF, FILE_OVERWRITE, FILE_OVERWRITE_IF). But the initial problem still persists. How can I check if a file was created from scratch instead of being just opened (e.g. in case of FILE_SUPERSEDE)?
Maybe I can use the FileIo_ReadWrite class to get Write event. Like using the DiskIo_TypeGroup1 class. So, if something was written to a file, then can I suppose that the file was either created or modified?
To find the deleted files I think that the FileIo_Info class and Delete event are the solution. Guess that I can receive Delete events and map them to FileIo_Name to get the file names.
Note: The FileIo_Create, FileIo_Info, FileIo_ReadWrite contain information about process id.
Are my suppositions right? What will be the best solution for my problem?
I will share my implemented solution as follow :
Created Files:
Modified Files:
Deleted files:
Also the process id and file name was obtained from the FileIo_Create events, more precisely from OpenPath structure member and ProcessId event header member.